Custom Designs for Raised Beds
Use Raised Bed Corners and In-Line Connectors to Create Custom Designs
In addition to squares and rectangles, you can use our Raised Bed Corners and In-Line Connectors to create other configurations. You can also create two-tier beds, using our Raised Bed Stake, an aluminum post that fits inside of the Raised Bed Corners and/or In-Line Connectors.
Each of the designs featured here can be created using 6", 8" or 10" connectors. You can buy our cedar boards, or provide your own lumber. Our connectors are made to fit boards in standard dimensional sizes. Cedar is best because it's naturally insect- and rot-resistant. If you use pine or another softwood, treat it with a nontoxic wood preservative to prevent rot. Do not use pressure-treated lumber if you are going to grow vegetables or other edible plants. Treated wood can leach chemicals into the soil and your crops.
Keep in mind these two points before you get started:
- Find a level site for your bed. If you plan to grow sun-loving crops or flowers, make sure the site isn't shaded.
- If you are placing the bed on an area covered with lawn, remove the sod and loosen the soil to a depth of 6".
L-Shaped Raised Bed
- 6 Raised Bed Corners (3 sets; 6", 8" or 10")
- 2 boards, 2" x (6", 8" or 10") x 6' 4 boards, 2" x (6", 8" or 10") x 3'

- Lay out the boards and corner connectors in a rough approximation of the diagram.
- Slide the boards into the Raised Bed Corners, making sure they're seated. Secure the boards with Phillips screws (provided). For best results, drill starter holes. Tighten the screws with a Phillips screwdriver.
- Insert a black plastic end cap into the top of each Raised Bed Corner.
- Fill the raised bed to the top edge with a mixture of garden soil and plenty of organic matter, such as compost.
Two-Tier Raised Bed
- 8 Raised Bed Corners (4 sets; 6", 8" or 10")
- 4 In-Line Connectors (2 sets; 6", 8" or 10")
- 4 Raised Bed Stakes (2 sets; 6", 8" or 10")
- 14 boards, 2" x (6", 8" or 10") x 3'

The Raised Bed Stake (center) fits inside the Raised Bed Corners and the In-Line Connectors.
Last updated: 07/13/2023
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