Our Commitment to the Environment

The Green Team
Gardener's Supply Company has been a trusted resource for innovative, earth-friendly gardening products and inspiration since 1983. Our customers use our products and information every day to make positive contributions to the environment, right in their own backyards and communities.
We are committed to operating our business in a manner that sets a positive example and leads the way to a more sustainable future.
Earth-Aware Products
Our products help people recycle waste into compost, build better soil, control pests organically, conserve water, protect biodiversity, and grow their own food.
Options to Reduce Unwanted Mailings
We want our mailings to be welcome in your home. Although we use the very latest data management tools to keep our lists up-to-date, sometimes an error gets through. If you're getting duplicate catalogs, or wish to edit your information, request a change in the way we contact you, or be removed from our mailing list please call us at 1-800-843-1819.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Working with Efficiency Vermont, a nonprofit that designs programs to reduce energy use through energy efficiency and renewable energy, we continually make changes that significantly reduce our energy use. For example, by replacing our parking lot's incandescent lights with longer-lasting, energy-efficient LEDs, we now use 90 percent less electricity to keep the area lit!
Green Offices
The Green Team, a dedicated group of employee-owners, continually finds new ways of improving our own environmental footprint. We've recycled our paper since the company was founded in 1983, and we also compost all that's compostable — from our kitchen food scraps to our unbleached paper towels. In one year alone, we composted 35,000 gallons of materials, including 230,000 feet of paper towels! We've replaced plastic utensils with glass cups and silverware. And we have a creative program to encourage carpooling.
Gardener's Supply exists to spread the joys and rewards of gardening: We believe that gardening can bring about positive changes in people's lives, in communities, and in the environment. We will continue our commitment to the best environmental practices as we operate our business.
Last updated: 05/04/2022
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