Fighting Hunger
Your extra produce could feed 28 million Americans

Anyone who's tasted a freshly harvested tomato or strawberry knows how amazing it is to have that explosion of flavor on your tongue. Or how good it feels to know you're eating something that's not just incredibly tasty, but also really good for you. And while many of us can buy fresh, healthy produce at a local farmer's market or neighborhood store, access to these same fruits and vegetables is limited in other parts of the country. Often referred to as 'food deserts,' these areas may teem with fast food restaurants and convenience stores but lack nutritious, fresh, raw, or 'real' food.
The demand for hunger assistance has also dramatically increased in recent years — according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one in eight U.S. households experiences or is at risk for hunger.
At Gardener's, we believe that access to healthy, fresh food is a right rather than a privilege. We also believe that backyard gardeners could help fill the vacuum in our food supply just by donating extra produce to local hunger-relief organizations. That's why we started our Garden to Give campaign, grow food in our Company Farm, get involved in local gleaning efforts, and support organizations using gardening as a way to relieve hunger.
Last updated: 09/22/2021
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