Greenland, NH

Gardener’s Supply has acquired its fifth garden center! Rolling Green Nursery in Greenland, NH has joined the Gardener’s Supply Company family of employee-owned garden centers. We are excited to build on their legacy and proud to become a part of the New Hampshire Seacoast community. Read the full press release here.
We are happy to repot your plants for you. Please call our store, or see a greenhouse associate for assistance!
- 2-4" Pot - $3.00
- 5-8" Pot - $5.00
- 9-12" Pot - $8.00
- Window Box - $1 per inch
Repotting by the hour (see a sales associate for pricing)
- Window Box Design
- Orchids & Bonsai
- Over 12" diameter
Gardener’s Supply offers mulch & soil for pick-up or delivery. Please give us a call at 603.436.2732.
- Loam
- Compost
- Nurti-Loam
- Raised Bed Mix
- Top Dress
- Nurti-Mulch
- Dark Bark Mulch
Store Hours
- Mon-Sat: 8AM - 6PM
- Sun: 9AM - 5PM
64 Breakfast Hill Road
Greenland, NH 03840